
Double girder overhead crane rules

Double girder overheadSingle girder overhead crane rules
1. Before
a. Brake, hook, wire rope and safety devices and other components required to check the card check and found abnormalities, should be excluded.
b. The operator must be in confirmation catwalk or on unmanned orbit, we can close the main power supply. When locking or sign breaker on the power should be original to the person only after closing the main power to get rid of.
2. Work
a. When lifting weights first class (or the maximum load weight) should be suspended 0.5 m height from the ground after the weight is lowered again, check brake function, after reliable confirmation, then normal homework.
b. Manipulator in homework, the homework should be designated for the following alarm-ringing.
① lifting and landing weights; great start, when the car driving.
② crane driving is not clear line of sight through the period, to a continuous-ringing alarm;
③ traveling crane when the crane near the cross in another.
④ when lifting heavy objects close to the staff.
c. Manipulation should run the same command signal delineated.
d. Passed at work in power, should handle all controllers in the "zero" position, should be checked before re-work thesingle girder overhead crane
operation is normal.
e. Large crane, trolley in normal lessons, the non-open anti parking brake; transform large, the direction of movement of the car when the handle is necessary to "zero" position, so that agencies fully resting after the operation, before being reverse driving.
f. Two crane hook, when the main and auxiliary hook and two hooks when switching to highly similar, the main and auxiliary hook necessary homework alone, two hooks to avoid collision.
g. Two hook crane hook while hanging allowed two two objects; without working brake adjustment lifting mechanism.
h. Not allowed to use extreme position limiter parking is prohibited in the case of adjustment under load lifting mechanism brake.

